Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Beginning

My mom and sister have been trying to get me to do a blog for years.  I didn't want to because I didn't think that I had anything interesting to say, and I didn't have a ton of time to figure it all out and constantly update it.   Well, maybe I still don't have much to say, but I'm a teacher enjoying summer vacation, so I have a couple of weeks to put this together.  I can't promise that it's going to be fabulous, but at least it will be a log of some sort about what we did this year.
I thought I should start at the beginning of this year and move forward.  Kelly and I started the year engaged and we were married January 14, 2012.  So, the beginning was fairly hectic.  For one of my showers my Aunt Ginger wrote a poem for us describing how we met and got everything going.  I like her version the best so here it is:
Our story begins at the Mt. Oly singles ward,
Where Cherelle and Kelly attended, neither having scored.

Cherelle wasn’t getting any younger, she was in a bit of a hurry,
At age thirty they would soon be sending her back to Murray.

And Kelly, well he was just anti-social and shy,
He wasn’t dating and you can understand why.

One day at church, much to Kelly’s surprise,
He saw a beautiful girl out of the corner of both eyes.

She walked down the isle and passed right on by,
Not noticing Kelly as his heart gave a sigh.

“She probably dates all the time” is the thought that went through his head,
A thought that bugged him and filled him with dread.

A girl like Cherelle was so intimidating,
But she was on Kelly’s radar and it was well worth waiting.

Cherelle on the other hand spotted him at church,
Her friend had been set up with him so she was doing her research.

Kelly’s New Year’s resolution was to go to more singles ward activities,
Be more social and attend all festivities.

He kept this resolution and as the days passed by,
His mom referred to him as “the social Butterfly!”

Fate brought them together at a ward dinner group
They got to know each other as they sipped on their soup.

Cherelle was impressed and thought he was a cool guy
Too quiet for her but she couldn’t let him pass by.
She would get to know him better, this was her goal
Set him up with her friend, she had it all under control

So a friendship was started, they began to “hang out”,
Getting to know each other was what it was all about.

Kelly took his time in asking Cherelle on a date,
And Kelly’s friend Justin started dating Cherelle’s roommate,

Justin threatened Kelly he would ask her out for him,
He knew if he didn’t do it his life would be grimm.

So he manned up and did it, he asked her out over the phone
In just a few short months he had really grown.

Before the first date, Cherelle’s family had questions,
And Angie decided to give some “suggestions”.

Things got a little heated as Cherelle said they were wrong.
It wouldn’t be long before she’d sing a new song.

For that first date they went to the Dragon Diner,
Then to the movie “True Grit”, could it get any finer?

Cherelle’s line-up idea was no longer a good plan,
No Not anymore, she wanted this man.

It got intense when other girls came on strong,
Cherelle wouldn’t put up with this for very long.

A little jealousy is just what she needed,
Otherwise this relationship may not have succeeded.

They had so much fun watching “Lost” and conversing,
By the end of the night they had a hard time dispersing.

Cherelle was easy to talk to, a thing Kelly was not fond of,
If she could get him to do it, it must be true love.

They watched an entire season of “Lost” before Kelly made the first move,
He put his hand on Cherelle’s leg, he was getting his groove.

Their first kiss was after about three months of dating,
Most couples by then are practically mating.

They always hugged at the end of each date
This time he would go for the kiss – it would be great!

Cherelle went for the hug and he completely missed her,
As they pulled away he was determined to kiss her.

So a quick little peck is all that she got,
He ran into the house like he had been shot.

The next time Kelly made sure there was no confusion,
He asked for the kiss and avoided delusion.

They’ve been kissing ever since just like old pros,
And when their kissing like that you know where that goes.

It leads to engagement but not for these two,
They took their sweet time as their relationship grew.

Cherelle was so worried about making the wrong decision,
So she thought about this with much precision.

She knew that she was finished dating – she had no more desire,
She just wanted to be with Kelly now, he could light her fire.

Kelly knew it was time when he had a hard time saying “Goodnight”,
He just wanted to be with Cherelle and hold her tight.

They finally talked marriage and after much fasting and prayer,
Decided it was time for their love to declare.

Kelly got right to it and picked out a ring,
But he didn’t want Cherelle to suspect anything .

So he took her to “Wing Nutz”, a casual place to eat,
Where they could watch the U of U game and kick up their feet.

Then back to his house where they got ready to go
Up on the mountain, the city lights were a glow.

He picked a spot that over looks the whole valley,
A favorite of theirs for this grand finale.

They talked for a while, the night was a success,
Kelly popped the question and “Bam” she said yes!

Right after we got engaged

The Ring (Kelly picked it out, and it's gorgeous!)